Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bright Chance Teaches Young People How to Succeed

Bright Chance Teaches Young People How to SucceedBright Chance Tutoring is a private tutoring company that has been providing some of the best tutoring services in the nation for more than fifteen years. The company focuses on the development of effective and caring young people who can succeed in life. The company's mentoring program is rooted in teaching students how to cope with change and dealing with others as a group.If you're struggling to find the right college for you, or if you're wondering whether your child should attend a private or public school, there are two things you should know about Bright Chance tutoring. The first is that the company is totally committed to helping you choose the right college. They believe in the power of data and statistics, and that's why they employ graduate-level statistics specialists to help them figure out which colleges would be the best fit for each student. It takes time to do the analysis, but the company takes its share of responsib ility to making sure you have a positive and impactful experience at your chosen college.Bright Chance also cares about the development of your child and works with them every step of the way. They have various programs in place to help students and their families deal with school bullying, which can have a negative impact on a child's social and emotional development. Bright Chance offers sensitivity and support to all their tutors, which is one of the most important aspects of their business. The tutors work closely with the company to make sure that they are the best in the business.The second thing you should know about Bright Chance is that they've created a very strong foundation of mentoring programs that work together to give students an edge in their educational experience. These programs include a variety of options including tutoring, program coordination, and webinars. The tutors are responsible for planning each specific tutoring session, ensuring that all of the necess ary elements are in place and ensuring that the students really get a chance to shine. In order to be truly effective, the individual needs to be focused and dedicated to helping each student learn the skills they need to succeed in life.The tutoring programs are designed to give students a competitive edge, and Bright Chance offers a variety of resources for students to use. They have workshops and mentoring programs available for students and their parents. The idea is to give students the tools they need to take their education to the next level. The focus is to get students ready for college by providing the right combination of communication, leadership, problem solving, and self-confidence.Bright Chance strives to provide every student with the best tutoring possible. They work with individuals and families to teach students how to become a great student, and they make sure to work closely with them throughout the process. A professional tutoring service ensures that tutors ar e experienced and certified. Bright Chance staff not only provides the best tutoring possible, but they also strive to make it fun and convenient for the student.Students at Bright Chance to earn a degree or certificate while working closely with the tutors. The students get hands-on experience in the tutoring process, and they learn all of the skills they need to succeed. The tutoring service offers a variety of tutoring services to all age groups. This is a good option for parents who want their children to have the same benefits that tutoring has to offer.A lot of students are hesitant to sign up for Bright Chance tutoring services because they are intimidated by the thought of doing so. This is why tutoring services like this are so helpful for students who want to start college but don't know how to proceed. Bright Chance takes its responsibilities very seriously, and it makes it easy for students to succeed.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

How Can I Learn to Speak and Write the New Dvorak Keyboard?

How Can I Learn to Speak and Write the New Dvorak Keyboard?The decision to learn the Dvorak keyboard is not really an easy one. The 'keyboard' is one of the most popular and fashionable methods of displaying one's native tongue. It can also become a symbol of one's own preferences, based on the type of preferred letter. So the choice to learn this new alphabet can either be useful, or a source of frustration.The Dvorak writing system is well known in the United States and many other countries. But how do you learn this new keyboard layout? For most people, this system can be quite difficult to learn. There are many different ways to learn to use the new language. You could even consider using a learning method like Microsoft 'speaks' or Apple 'Ming'.An online Dvorak typing tutor may be able to assist you with this challenge. Online learning methods allow you to learn the system at your own pace, and many websites offer an interactive environment where you can communicate with someone over the internet.People have learned to read and write English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and many other languages. But they did not learn the letters of the new 'keyboard'. With a Dvorak typing tutor, you could learn how to say a language in which you enjoy the most and then learn to write it on the new alphabet.Dvorak typing students often do not feel comfortable in making mistakes or talking over the computer, so a tutor can help you. In fact, they can also help you make a very good pronunciation. A good tutor will give you practice drills but also offer a greater variety of approaches to improving your fluency.When you find a good Dvorak typing tutor, you will find that there are many things you can get help with. There are ways to eliminate spelling mistakes, how to speak the language, and how to correct the course of a speech, how to perform basic word recognition exercises, and how to speak about the concept of the words.With the advice and assi stance of a Dvorak typing tutor, you should be able to study for a standard, and you will have an excellent keyboard for speaking and writing the new language. This way, you can give the gift of a new language to someone who understands the most.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Train Your Brain to Be More Productive [5 Proven Secrets!]

Introvert Whisperer / Train Your Brain to Be More Productive [5 Proven Secrets!] 5 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Productive Do you have trouble staying motivated? Find yourself losing focus whenever you try to get things done? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of us have a hard time concentrating and being productive. After all, it’s easy to get distracted. Whether it’s text messages, emails, or Netflix shows, there are so many things that threaten to steal your attention all day long. If you give into temptation, it’s easy to go entire days without getting a single thing done! Luckily, there are some strategies you can use to train your brain to be more productive. Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, try to enhance your brain power using these five techniques. You’ll be amazed by how well they work! 1. Exercise Your Brain The brain is a muscle. Just like your biceps and quads, it needs exercise. But, how do you exercise it? I mean, you can’t exactly lift weights with it or put it on the treadmill. No, you can’t. But, you can exercise it in other ways. Most cognitive function experts recommend games and puzzles, for example. Puzzles and games like chess give you the chance to use your brain in ways that you normally wouldn’t. When you work through a difficult puzzle, your brain’s neuroplasticity improves. This means that it has an easier time forming new connections between its different parts. As more nerve cells connect, you have an easier time thinking strategically, managing changes in your environment. Strategy and flexibility are some of the keys to productivity. If you can plan days, weeks, or months ahead while leaving room for change, you’ll be much more productive over time. Plus, games also help improve your attention span, language comprehension, short-term memory, and other cognitive functions. 2. Train Your Brain for Deep Work Most of us have trouble focusing on one thing at a time. With so many responsibilities and distractions, it’s hard to imagine sticking to one project for six, seven, or even two hours straight. But, you can’t harness the full potential of your mind without learning how to engage in deep work. Think about it: Greek philosophers used to sit and think about the same thing for days on end. When was the last time you thought about anything for more than a few minutes? The best way to start training is to just go for itstart an hour-long project and don’t stop until it’s complete. If that’s too hard, start in fifteen-minute intervals. Set a timer, take five-minute breaks, and get right back to work. Eventually, you’ll be able to focus on one task for hours without interruption. This skill is essential for people who have to get multiple things done every day. If you lack focus, you’ll find yourself switching from task to task without completing any of them. Make it a regular habit to engage your brainpower, and you’ll find you’re more productive. You might even wind up with some free time in the end! 3. Design Your Schedule Around Your Internal Clock Everyone has “peak brain” times. We’re all different, but everyone has an internal clock and accomplishes work better during set times. You should build your schedule around your peak brain hours. Working when your brain fires hot will help you get a lot more done. If you’re a morning person have a ton of energy between 8 AM and 12 PM, start early and hit the ground running. If your peak hours are after midnight, take care of your hardest tasks while everyone else sleeps! Take it from Jeff Bezos. The billionaire CEO (and probably one of the world’s busiest men), identifies 10:00 AM 11:00 AM as his peak performance hour. “I like to do my high IQ meetings before lunch,” he says, “Anything that’s going to be really mentally challenging, that’s a 10 AM meeting.” Furthermore, you should also avoid working when there are distractions around you. Instead of fighting against your internal clock, use it to your advantage. Unless you have a strict work schedule, structure your day so you can work during your most productive hours. 4. Practice Meditation You can also improve your brain cognition by practicing meditation techniques. Harvard researchers found that meditation reduces anxiety, increases mental clarity, and enhances memory. It’s easy to do, too. You can meditate almost anywhere, anytime. All you have to do is focus your energy on a particular activity, thought, or object. Over time, it’ll help you train yourself for heightened awareness. The goal of meditation is to achieve an emotionally calm and mentally clear state of being. Mental clearness can help you better retain information, make better decisions, and manage stress. If you experience less stress throughout the day, you’ll have an easier time getting things done. Try to implement a few minutes of meditation daily. You’ll be pleasantly shocked by how much it improves your life! 5. Rest Your Mind It’s important to exercise your brain. But, it’s essential to get some rest as well. Boost your brain power by taking short breaks throughout the day. Go on a walk, talk to a friend, or play with your day. You might even try doing something easy and creative like doodling or journaling. There’s no point in sitting at your desk and dragging through work just to get things done. If you’re exhausted and working at a turtle’s pace, what’s the point of pretending like you’re being productive? Breaks give a chance to get reinvigorated. That way, you can get back to work feeling inspired and refreshed! While they might seem like the enemy of productivity, breaks can actually help you get a lot more done!   Conclusion Your brain holds a lot of power. It’s in your best interest to train it, nurture it, and give it a rest when it needs one. Without a healthy brain, you’ll find that your productivity suffers. Instead of just using 10% of your brain, allow it to adapt and grow by using the five methods we just discussed. Exercise, meditation, rescheduling, and rest can all help you optimize train your brain for higher productivity. By caring for your brain and exercising it, you’ll be able to harness the power of your mind and get more done throughout your days. [Author bio] Joshua Kuykendall is the Business Manager of the Parq at Iliff Station community. He’s passionate about team growth and encouraging all to take customer service to the next level. He thrives off the challenges of managing a large community. Thinking of joining Parq? Expect nothing less than excellence from Joshua, and his staff. They work hard to create an environment that you can truly call home. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Build Your French Vocabulary Colors and Days of the Week

Build Your French Vocabulary Colors and Days of the Week Suzy S. Ready to start learning to speak French? Colors and days of the week are great vocabulary to get you started. Colors and days of the week are some of the easiest words to master when youre first learning French. If you know any other romance languages, like Spanish or Italian, you are going to see that the  French words for colors and days of the week are very similar. Colors in French As you may know already, adjectives in French take on the gender of the word that they are describing.  In addition, the color comes after the word that it is describing. For example, if you wanted to say “The  purple house”, you would say “La maison violette”. Here you are using the feminine form of purple  because “La maison” is feminine. Another rule in the French language is if the noun that the adjective is  describing is plural, the adjective is pural. Therefore, if you wanted to say “the purple houses”, you  would say “Des maisons violettes”. Due to this, I will give you the all genders and the plural form of the  colors. Masculine Singular Feminine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Plural Red Rouge Rouge Rouges Rouges Orange Orange Orange Oranges Oranges Yellow Jaune Jaune Jaunes Jaunes Green Vert Verte Verts Vertes Blue Bleu Bleue Bleus Bleues Purple Violet Violette Violets Violettes Pink Rose Rose Roses Roses Brown Marron Marron Marron Marron White Blanc Blanche Blancs Blanches Grey Gris Grise Gris Grises Black Noir Noire Noirs Noires Here is a helpful video tutorial for how to pronounce some of the most common colors in French. Days of the Week The days of the week are much simpler. The days of the week in French are not capitalized, like in  English, and all days of the week are masculine. In addition, the American week starts on Sundays, but  the French week starts on Monday. Monday Lundi Tuesday Mardi Wednesday Mercredi Thursday Jeudi Friday Vendredi Saturday Samedi Sunday Dimanche Need help pronouncing this new vocabulary? Check out the video lesson below. There are many phrases that one should know relating to the days of the week. These phrases apply to  all days of the week, but I will only give you the specific example for Monday. Monday  Lundi Mondays  Les lundis On Mondays  Le lundi This Monday  Ce lundi Last Monday  Lundi dernier Next Monday  Lundi prochain Monday the 15th  Lundi 15 Monday the 15th of January  Le lundi 15 janvier It’s Monday  C’est lundi On Monday evening  Lundi soir Every Monday  Tous les lundis Yesterday  Hier Today  Aujourd’hui Tomorrow  Demain Next day  Le lendemain Day after tomorrow  Après-demain Day before yesterday  Avant-hier These very basic French words can greatly increase your French vocabulary. This is something that you  have to learn for every basic French class. There are many ways to study language; some of the best are  group study and flash cards. For everyone, practicing speaking the language with others will help a lot. Working with a French tutor is another great way to make progress in your studies. Have fun studying and bonne chance! Anna M. is an academic tutor in Tampa, FL. She is currently studying chemistry at the University of South Florida, and she has been tutoring for one year. Learn more about Anna. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Capture Queen

Should I Take the PSAT

Should I Take the PSAT When determining whether or not taking the PSAT is right for you, the answer should be clear: yes! There are numerous benefits related to completing the PSAT. Your score on the test will not harm your academic record or college application process in any way; the PSAT is simply a resource for discovering and perfecting the nature of the SAT. Sitting for the PSAT is hardly ever a regrettable decision. Here is some great information on what to know about that PSATthat you may find useful. The single most evident motive for completing the PSAT is that it allows students to understand their position relative to the SAT. Your score on the PSAT should indicate to you which areas of the SAT you must improve upon as well as the areas in which you are already strong. Your results on the PSAT will also provide you with a sense of where your result falls in reference to the average mark necessary to gain acceptance to your dream school. While your score on the PSAT will not appear on your college applications, you should take the exam seriously so that you can accurately self-assess your performance. In terms of both time and cost, the PSAT is a wise investment. In fact, certain schools and public libraries make it possible for high school students to take the PSAT free of charge. Research this option to determine if it applies to you. If you are able to complete the test for free, do not forego such a valuable opportunity! Other institutions do require that students pay for the PSAT, but the amount they charge is typically quite reasonable (around $20). Comparatively speaking, sitting for the PSAT can be a relatively affordable technique for preparing for the SAT. Pacing oneself, in regard to the SAT, is extremely important. A number of students find themselves running out of time on one or more sections of the test. Therefore, it is in your best interest to become accustomed to the manner in which the SAT is structured. Since the PSAT utilizes the same timing system as the SAT, the PSAT provides students with an opportunity to practice the assessment under genuine testing conditions. On the SAT, timing may not be all-important, but it certainly can have a significant impact on your performance. Here are some tips on how to manage your time on the PSAT. The PSAT is intended as an abridged version of the SAT. Completing the PSAT encourages individuals to work under the same circumstances they will face when sitting for the SAT: the format of the exam, the allotted time, the presence of a proctor, the type of learning environment, and so on. Finishing PSAT practice tests on ones own is a wonderful method for preparing for the SAT, but it is difficult to simulate every condition that students will encounter on test day. At home, it is easy to become distracted. Only the environment in which the PSAT is administered can emulate the true testing atmosphere and eliminate many of the distractions youd have at home. Another compelling reason to take the PSAT is that doing so will familiarize you with the types of questions that frequently appear on the SAT. For example, on the mathematics sections, students will employ the same equations over and over again. No two questions should look exactly alike, though two questions may be asking about the same idea. Problems of a single type usually differ in how they are worded and in which numbers you must enter into the equation. The PSAT is the perfect opportunity to expose yourself to the specific kinds of questions youll see on the SAT.

Characteristics of Drama English Writing Online Tutorpace

Characteristics of Drama English Writing Online Tutorpace Characteristics of Drama Four parts of literary genre are fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Out of the four only drama is acted on a stage and the flow of the story depends on the action and dialogue carried out and spoken by the live actors. Ancient Greeks were masters in writing and enacting drama on the stage. Strangely, there were no actresses and young boys played the role of women on the stage. It would be difficult to appreciate characteristics of a drama without learning in depth about the main elements of the drama. The features of a drama though differ in importance from play to play have a common thread as well. The literary elements of drama are: 1. Characters 2. Dialogue 3. Plot 4. Setting 5. Stage Directions 6. Theme 1. The place of Characters in a play: A play revolves round the characters in the drama, characters in a play a crucial role that makes a play good or bad. There are many categories of characters. 1) Major characters are important to the narration of a play, e.g. Hamlet in the play of the same name 2) Flat characters are only minor characters and generally have one or two traits. They are used as a contrast to the main character. 3) Round: A round character has many traits, but the audience see only side and a round character can grow or change in the duration of a play. 4) Minor: These are a necessity in a play, but their roles are no very important, for are used to reinforce the importance of main character or form a background to action taking place. There are different kinds of characters Protagonist:Protagonist plays a central role in the drama and sets the sequence action into motion. For example, the protagonist in Shakespeares play Macbeth is also called Macbeth and the whole action revolves round him. Antagonist:Antagonist is an antihero or a bad character who opposes the protagonist. Iago in Shakespeares play Othello is a typical antagonist who opposes the protagonist all the time. Foil:A foil is a unique character in the drama, his personal characteristics are in stark contrast with other characters, usually protagonist and form a background against which we come to know more about the characteristics of the other players. In Shakespeares drama Julius Caesar, Cassius is the foil to Caesar. Confidant:A confidant in a drama is usually a friend or an old servant who listens to the protagonist and gives him suitable advice. Confidant is also a means of revealing the thoughts and intended actions of the protagonist to the viewers, but not to other actors in the drama. Stock characters:These characters play a very light role as group members, who displays a particular kind of trait and appear multiple times in the drama. Example: A joker or a serving person. 2. Dialogues are means to convey feelings or action :Dialogues are spoken by the actors in a drama and are main vehicle to convey feelings and personalities of the characters. Writers take great care to write dialogues to suit the action and the part played by a specific character. Unlike other visual genre where other means are available to the writer, dialogues in a play are used to portray the true nature of a particular character because there is a limited space in a play for action. They also help in the forward movement of a plot. There are many types of dialogues: 1) Dialogues spoken within a group or between two people 2) Soliloquy, which is a sort of monologue by a single character to show his feelings and thoughts. 3) Sometimes characters speak directly to the members of the audience excluding the other individuals who are present at the time in the play. This type of dialogue is called Aside. 3. The Plot :The storyline or a plot is the device that helps in the narration of a story. The plot unravels in a sequential order; usually the main characters are introduced first to make the audience to become aware and anticipate the way the story is going to develop. Next comes the conflict; this is the most crucial part of a play as it shows how the characters face the difficulties. Resolution of a conflict in a play is known as the climax. The main parts of a plot are: 1) Introduction 2) Conflict 3) Resolution of the conflict or climax. 4. The setting :Unlike other genre setting plays a very limited part in a drama because due to logistical difficulties it is difficult to show to the audience the place where the action is taking. Usually the setting is usually a painted backdrop or subtle lightings to depict the night, day or seasons. Passing of time is shown by the change in the appearance of the characters; they walk with slow steps or display grey hair to portray old age. Different types of costumes are used as s setting to show profession of characters. Sometimes items are used to portray a particular time in history or life of the character. These are called props. Setting is also the first thing the audience notices and it is generally used to create a specific atmosphere. 5. Stage directions :The author of a play uses stage directions for various purposes. On one hand they are used to guide the movements of the characters, the use of props on the stage, on the other hand they are used to create a certain atmosphere during the play. Stage directions also help the audience to understand what is happening. The writer sometimes, embeds the stage direction, often in brackets, giving direction to the acts how to move or use props. The writer also gives directions to the actors display a particular body language to convey a particular feeling, enter and exit to create the mood. Example: In Shakespeares play King Lear lays his on the sword to show anger when he speaks this dialogue, O, vassal! Miscreant! 6. Theme is message in the play :Theme is the main idea of the play. It is the message that the writer is trying to convey to the audience. Sometimes the theme is universal and timeless, for example some of the themes conveyed in Shakespeares plays are universal, good, and evil, love of power, hate, or jealousy. These themes are repeated again in many genres. Theme and plot are two elements that are inter-twined and need to correlate with one other. Generally themes revolve round three types of conflict: 1. between two people 2. between a human and super power like God and destiny 3. between individual and his inner being or conscience Structure Drama throughout the ages has followed the structure laid down by the ancient Greeks. Eventually, traditional drama was divided into five distinct parts in the Sixteenth Century based on the Greek structure. These five segments are introduction or exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion or denouement. Introduction /exposition:The theme, the plot and the characters of a play are generally introduced in the exposition (introduction). The type of conflict is sometimes also introduced in the beginning of the play. The key to the action that is likely to follow are shown in the glimpses of the past of a character or the conflict faced by many characters. Rising action:Rising action characterizes the movement of the plot into conflicts or introduction of a number of minor plots. In this part the writer tries to create several feelings in the audience, some apprehension and a desire to watch what is likely to come next and perception of high anticipation. Climax:The climax is most intense part of a play. It is very intensive, interesting and is the pinnacle of dramatic display. It is the point where the action becomes inevitable, and the play takes a decisive turn, becomes either a comedy or a tragedy. Falling Action:The fourth segment shows the play is heading towards conclusion, conflicts are settled, action is decisive and it becomes apparent that the play is going to end soon. Conclusion:Conclusion is also called denouement. It is final stage of the drama, things come to an end all difficulties are resolved, problems/conflicts are solved, and one can discern easily whether the play is a comedy or a tragedy.

Online Elimination Method Algebra Tutors

Online Elimination Method Algebra Tutors To solve the system of equations, we need to make the coefficient of one variable as same in both the equations. Then we can eliminate the equal term by using addition or subtraction then we can get a new equation having one variable. Then we can get the value of one variable. After this we can plug value of the one variable then we get the value of another variable. Example1: Solve the system of equations by using elimination method 3x y = 5 x + y = 3 Solution: The given equations are 3x y = 5 and x + y = 3 We know the y coefficients are equal and having opposite sign Therefore, we can add the equations From this we can write x = 2 Now we can plug the value in the equation x + y = 3 2 + y = 3 y = 3 2 = 1 (x, y) = (2, 1) Example2: Solve the system of equations by using elimination method 2x + 3y = 13 3x + 2y = 12 Solution: First we need to label the given equations 2x + 3y = 13 ..................... (1) 3x + 2y = 12 ..................... (2) Multiply (1) by 2 and (2) by 3 Subtract 4x + 6y = 26 - 9x + 6y = 36 - ____________________________________ 5x =10 So, x = 2 plug the x value we can get y = 3.